Star pattern problems are a fun way to practice Python coding. It feels great to see shapes like triangles or diamonds appear on your screen, all made from stars (*). These patterns are simple to start with but can get really interesting as you try new ideas. They’re perfect for beginners to learn loops and for anyone who enjoys a creative coding challenge!
Lets start!
Pattern Programs in Python
- Star Patterns in python
- Numeric Patterns
- Character Patterns
Let’s start common question that generally asked in the interview.
Pyramid Patterns Problem
1. Full Pyramid
# Set the number of rows for the pyramid
rows = 5
# Loop through each row
for i in range(1, rows + 1):
# Print spaces to push the stars to the center
print(" " * (rows - i), end="")
# Print stars, with a space after each star
print("* " * i)
Awesome! buddy you got it :-)!
We still have a long way to go to stay motivated.
2. Right Triangle or Half Pyramid
# Set the number of rows for the triangle
rows = 5
# Loop through each row
for i in range(1, rows + 1):
print("*" * i)
I know it is simple than the previous one. Let’s try interesting one.
3. Downward Half Pyramid
# Set the number of rows for the pyramid
rows = 5
# Loop through each row, starting from the largest
for i in range(rows, 0, -1):
# Print stars for the current row
print("*" * i)
4. Right Start Pyramid
Don’t Worry Buddy Apply the logic of the previous two problems.
rows = 5
for i in range (0, rows):
for j in range(0, i + 1):
print("* ", end='')
for i in range (rows, 0, -1):
for j in range(0, i -1):
print("* ", end='')
5.Hollow Pyramid
rows = 5
# Printing the hollow pyramid pattern
for i in range(1, rows + 1):
# Printing leading spaces
for j in range(rows - i):
print(" ", end="")
# Printing stars and spaces in the pyramid
for j in range(1, 2 * i):
if j == 1 or j == 2 * i - 1 or i == rows: # Stars at the boundaries and base row
print("*", end="")
print(" ", end="")
print() # Move to the next line
Now, Try Diamond star pattern questions.
Diamond pattern problem
6. Diamond Pattern
rows = 5
# Printing upper half of the pattern
for i in range(1, rows + 1):
# Printing rows-i spaces at the beginning of each row
for j in range(1, rows - i + 1):
print(" ", end="")
# Printing i stars at the end of each row
for j in range(1, i + 1):
print("*", end=" ")
# Printing lower half of the pattern
for i in range(rows - 1, 0, -1):
# Printing rows-i spaces at the beginning of each row
for j in range(1, rows - i + 1):
print(" ", end="")
# Printing i stars at the end of each row
for j in range(1, i + 1):
print("*", end=" ")
7. Hollow Diamond Pattern
rows = 5
# Printing the upper half of the diamond
for i in range(1, rows + 1):
# Printing leading spaces
for j in range(rows - i):
print(" ", end="")
# Printing stars and spaces in the upper half
for j in range(1, 2 * i):
if j == 1 or j == 2 * i - 1: # First and last position in the row
print("*", end="")
print(" ", end="")
print() # Move to the next line
# Printing the lower half of the diamond
for i in range(rows - 1, 0, -1):
# Printing leading spaces
for j in range(rows - i):
print(" ", end="")
# Printing stars and spaces in the lower half
for j in range(1, 2 * i):
if j == 1 or j == 2 * i - 1: # First and last position in the row
print("*", end="")
print(" ", end="")
print() # Move to the next line
Square Patter Problems
8. Solid Square
size = 5
# Loop through rows
for i in range(size):
# Print stars for each column in the row
for j in range(size):
print("*", end=" ")
# Move to the next line after printing all columns in the current row
9. hollow Square
size = 5
# Loop through rows
for i in range(size):
# Loop through columns
for j in range(size):
# Print '*' for the border (first and last row, or first and last column)
if i == 0 or i == size - 1 or j == 0 or j == size - 1:
print("*", end=" ")
print(" ", end=" ")
# Move to the next line after printing the current row
Miscellaneous Patterns
10. Pattern - 1
rows = 5
# Printing upper half of the pattern
for i in range(rows, 0, -1):
for j in range(1, i + 1):
print("*", end=" ")
# Printing lower half of the pattern
for i in range(2, rows + 1):
for j in range(1, i + 1):
print("*", end=" ")
11. Pattern - 2
rows = 5
# Printing upper half of the pattern
for i in range(1, rows + 1):
# Printing i spaces at the beginning of each row
for j in range(1, i):
print(" ", end="")
# Printing i to rows value at the end of each row
for j in range(i, rows + 1):
print("*", end="")
# Printing lower half of the pattern
for i in range(rows - 1, 0, -1):
# Printing i spaces at the beginning of each row
for j in range(1, i):
print(" ", end="")
# Printing i to rows value at the end of each row
for j in range(i, rows + 1):
print("*", end="")
12. Pattern - 3
rows = 5
# Printing upper half of the pattern
for i in range(1, rows + 1):
# Printing i spaces at the beginning of each row
for j in range(1, i):
print(" ", end="")
# Printing i to rows value at the end of each row
for j in range(i, rows + 1):
print("*", end=" ")
# Printing lower half of the pattern
for i in range(rows - 1, 0, -1):
# Printing i spaces at the beginning of each row
for j in range(1, i):
print(" ", end="")
# Printing i to rows value at the end of each row
for j in range(i, rows + 1):
print("*", end=" ")
13. Butterfly Pattern
rows = 5
# Printing upper half of the pattern
for i in range(1, rows + 1):
# Printing the first set of stars
for j in range(1, i + 1):
print("*", end=" ")
# Printing spaces between the two sets of stars
for j in range(1, 2 * (rows - i) + 1):
print(" ", end="")
# Printing the second set of stars
for j in range(1, i + 1):
print("*", end=" ")
# Printing lower half of the pattern
for i in range(rows - 1, 0, -1):
# Printing the first set of stars
for j in range(1, i + 1):
print("*", end=" ")
# Printing spaces between the two sets of stars
for j in range(1, 2 * (rows - i) + 1):
print(" ", end="")
# Printing the second set of stars
for j in range(1, i + 1):
print("*", end=" ")
14. Pattern - 4
star = '*'
res = -1
# Top half of the pattern
for i in range(5, 0, -1):
# Left side of the pattern
for j in range(1, i + 1):
print(f"{star:2}", end="")
# Space in the middle
for s in range(res, 0, -1):
print(" ", end="")
# Right side of the pattern
for k in range(1, i + 1):
if i == 5 and k == 5:
print(f"{star:2}", end="")
res += 2
# Bottom half of the pattern
res = 5
for i in range(2, 6):
# Left side of the pattern
for j in range(1, i + 1):
print(f"{star:2}", end="")
# Space in the middle
for s in range(res, 0, -1):
print(" ", end="")
# Right side of the pattern
for k in range(1, i + 1):
if i == 5 and k == 5:
print(f"{star:2}", end="")
res -= 2
Tips: When working with star patterns, focus on managing leading spaces (rows - i) and star placement (boundary stars or full stars) in each row. Break the task into two parts: first handle spaces, then apply conditions for stars or hollow spaces within the row.
This brings us to the end of the star pattern programs in python. I hope you found it informative and that it helped you understand Python Fundamentals, Thanks for reading!