Video Tutorial
I highly recommended watching this tutorial since it is much easy to follow along.
Tree Structure
This is the node tree strcuture that we need in this tutorial.
I have scaled down dice mesh to 0.1
to make it look realastic. If you want same behaviour with different dice, you have to play with gravity and torque force.
Attach a script to Dice
node and call it
, open it and lets start coding.
We will start by defining some variables or signals, which we can emit on specific cases
extends RigidBody3D
# This value will be used to reset global_position
@onready var initial_position: Vector3 = global_position;
# A reference to label node which shows the dice outcome
@export var roll_value: Label;
# A flag to track if dice is rolling or not
var is_rolling: bool = false;
func _ready() -> void:
Lets define roll method.
func roll() -> void:
is_rolling = true;
sleeping = false;
# Reset to initital
global_position = initial_position;
linear_velocity = Vector3.ZERO
linear_velocity = Vector3.ZERO
# Randomize dice rotation
rotation_degress = Vector3(
randi_range(1, 360),
randi_range(1, 360),
randi_range(1, 360),
# Add rotational force to the dice at once
apply_torque_impulse(Vector3.ONE * 0.08)
Lets make input handler and add other logic.
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_accept"):
# Sleeping is a RigidBody3D property which we
# can use to detect whether our rigidbody is at rest or in motion.
# When our dice is sleeping and is_rolling is true,
# we can say that our dice just stopped moving,
# so it's time to compute roll_value and update the label
if sleeping and is_rolling:
is_rolling = false;
roll_value.text = "You Rolled: %s" % get_roll_value()
# Instead of this we can also emit a signal, something like
# dice_rolled.emit(get_roll_value())
Logic to get top face value.
func get_roll_value() -> int:
# we are trying to find which dice face is upward side, but you can change this value to detect any side of dice.
var world_up = Vector3.UP
var threshold = 0.9;
var max_dot = -1;
var sides = {
transform.basis.y: 1, # Top
-transform.basis.y: 6, # Bottom
transform.basis.x: 5, # Right
-transform.basis.x: 2, # Left
transform.basis.z: 3, # Screen Side (You)
-transform.basis.z: 4, # Backwards
var value = -1;
for side in sides:
var dot_product =
# If dot_product of current side is greator than threshold and greator than max_dot
# we will assume that's our favorable value.
if dot_product > threshold and dot_product > max_dot:
max_dot = dot_product
value = sides[side]
return value